5 Tips to Easily Deal with Pet Hair (and odor) in Your Home



Can we take a minute to talk about something almost every pet parent deals with?  Although pet hair and odors are a small price to pay to have our furry ones at home with us, the fuzz and funky smells can sometimes seem overwhelming! My Hannah gets hair everywhere. Her hair isn’t quite as bad as Herc, the akita I grew up with. (I still think I find her hair in places it seems.) Hannah’s hair specifically has a knack for getting on my clothes and accumulating in corners near baseboards where I have flooring. And if I’m honest here, Hannah loves cod skin treats, which tends to leave a bit of a fishy smell on my carpet.

 I know enough pet parents to know I’m not the only one dealing with this.  Over the years, I’ve found some of the easiest ways to keep my home as fur and odor-free as possible. Minimizing Hannah hair and odors helps my home feel fresh, which is a big deal for my mental well being. I tend to get overwhelmed when I feel like things are messy. We also host a lot of friends and family in our home for different get togethers. I feel a lot better about this when I know my home doesn’t smell or have dog hair everywhere.

Here’s a few of the things I do to tackle pet odor and hair in my home:

Tip # 1: Throw your pet’s linens in the washer. 

Hannah loves her furry memory foam bed inside her crate. Ugh, but does it get smelly!  I invested in washer-safe fabrics and sturdy bedding that can easily be washed.

 Pro tip: Use pet-friendly, odor-busting detergent.  Don’t forget to wash your own bed linens, too, especially if Fido or Kitty loves lounging on them. 

Tip #2: Invest in fresh air

Fresh air makes everything better. When the weather is nice, I like to open the windows or porch door to let the fresh air in. Make sure your screens are secure, though—especially if you have a door-dasher!  If you can’t air your space out or it’s too hot or too chilly to open the windows, an air purifier may help. Many of them clean the air by filtering out particles that cause bad smells.

Tip #3: Clean floors are a great help 

Regularly cleaning your floors and carpets will do wonders for odor and hair. I really like vacuuming every few days, sweeping daily and mopping once a week. Making these quick chores a part of your regular household duties makes a big difference. 

Be sure to check labels of any chemicals you use to make sure they’re safe for your furry friend. Some “clean smelling” products have pine oil or other oils or acids that can be dangerous to pets. Choose products designed with your pet in mind, like the pet care collection found at  www.tackletinkle.com. These products can also be used in the laundry room for your wash!


Tip #5: Groom your pet. 

Bathing, brushing and trimming your pet’s hair regularly cuts down on their odors and makes your pet look great, too. I have to bathe and brush Hannah every several weeks because she gets stinky (especially when I bring her to the dog park or daycare) and starts to shed more. 

 Regular brushing helps a lot during shedding season and keeps your pet’s coat and skin healthy. Brush your pet outdoors, if it’s safe, or be sure to vacuum after an indoor brushing session. And remember, if you come across any mats in your pets fur to seek out the assistance of a professional.

Having a pet means you will deal with hair and odors from time to time. It’s part of pet parenthood. What do you do around the home to deal with hair or odors? Let me know! 


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